Staff Highlight: Justin and Carly

Meet Justin and Carly Jones! They are our humble and gifted leaders at TEAMeffort. They keep our ministry moving forward by living in the Word, praying in faith, administrating, hiring, managing, planning, and so many other things. They love TEAMeffort a lot but they love Jesus the most which makes them the best leaders we could hope for!

1. Serving Location for the Summer

Carolina Coast

2. Are you a New, Return, or Office Staff? If Return or Office Staff, how many summers/years have you worked at TEAMeffort?

Carly: Office Staff, 14 years

Justin: Office Staff, 13 years

3. Were you a TEAMeffort camper? If so, when?

Carly: Never!

Justin: Yes; 2009-2012

4. What is your favorite video game to play?

Carly: Sonic on Sega

Justin: FIFA

5. Where are you from and what is something unique about your hometown?

Carly: Troy, MI. We have the best apple cider donuts at Yates Cider Mill (which technically is next door to Troy)

Justin: Fleming Island, FL. It is not actually an island.

6. What is the thing you enjoy most about God and your relationship with Him?

Carly: I love that He is closer to me than anything I could ever imagine, and He is constantly pursuing me.

Justin: I enjoy seeing His faithfulness. Being able to look back and see how He always comes through.

7. What is a spiritual gift God has given you and how do you find joy using it?

Carly: Administration; I enjoy using my gifts in organization to work on my own or with others to accomplish things with excellence for Jesus!

Justin: I think He has given me faith to be able to trust Him for big and small things.

8. What food could you eat for 6-months straight and not get sick of?

Carly: Mediterranean

Justin: Pizza and Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts

9. Do you prefer snow or sand?

Carly: Snow if I'm inside, and sand if I'm outside!

Justin: Sand, of course.

11. What do you love most about TEAMeffort?

Carly: I love that TEAMeffort has a place for everyone's gifts to be used for the Kingdom, and pushes us beyond our limits to work harder than we thought we could for Him!

Justin: Being able to work with a variety of people and in a variety of places.

12. What is one thing you are praying for God to do this summer in the lives of students who attend a TEAMeffort camp?

Carly: Give their lives to Jesus, they will never be the same & their lives will overflow with joy!

Justin: I am praying we would see campers encouraged and inspired to live missionally once they return home.