Staff Highlight: Luke

Meet Luke! 

1. Serving Location for the Summer

Gulf Coast Mississippi

2. Are you a New, Return, or Office Staff? If Return or Office Staff, how many summers/years have you worked at TEAMeffort?

New Staff

3. Were you a TEAMeffort camper? If so, when?

Yes! Summer of 2023 in Pensacola, FL.

4. What is your favorite video game to play?

My favorite video game to play is FIFA. I am a huge soccer fan.

5. Where are you from and what is something unique about your hometown?

I am from Marion, Illinois. Something unique about my hometown is we are the fastest growing city in southern Illinois.

6. What is the thing you enjoy most about God and your relationship with Him?

I enjoy God’s forgiveness and never ending love for me. He is the one person I know will not leave my side and will always have my back and forgive me when I do wrong.

7. What is a spiritual gift God has given you and how do you find joy using it?

Spiritual gifts God has given me are wisdom and exhortation. I find joy in helping those who are confused and need help interpreting the Bible in different situations that arise. I enjoy helping those who feel lost in their faith find the way to Christ.

8. What food could you eat for 6-months straight and not get sick of?

A food I could eat for 6 months and not get tired of would be hot wings. There are so many  different flavors of sauces that you can constantly change it up and it would still be good.

9. Do you prefer snow or sand?

If I had to choose between snow or sand I would choose snow. Snow will eventually melt and go away and is only cold for a little bit. However, sand tends to get everywhere and is hard to get out and is annoying and grainy.

11. What do you love most about TEAMeffort?

I love how we do chapel and how we involve the youth in all of our chapel messages. It is truly a great way to bring people to the Lord.

12. What is one thing you are praying for God to do this summer in the lives of students who attend a TEAMeffort camp?

I prayed for God to bring healing and confidence in the faith of the students who came to camp. I prayed they would grow closer to God and grow spiritually.