Staff Highlight: Faith

Meet Faith! Faith is such a blessing to TEAMeffort since she not only serves at camp in the summer, but works on Office Staff year around. Jesus is the focus of her life and all she does and says reflects her love for Him. She is such an important part of TEAMeffort’s ministry to launch students out into the world who are on mission for Jesus. Thank you Faith for who you are and all you do!

1. Serving Location for the Summer

Altoona, PA

2. Are you a New, Return, or Office Staff? If Return or Office Staff, how many summers/years have you worked at TEAMeffort?

Office Staff

3. Were you a TEAMeffort camper? If so, when?

Yes, for 4 years from 2016-2020.

4. What is your favorite video game to play?

I don't have one lol! I like to play volleyball, cornhole, and pickleball though.

5. Where are you from and what is something unique about your hometown?

I am from Maryland and grew up on a farm.

6. What is the thing you enjoy most about God and your relationship with Him?

That He goes before me in every moment and nothing is unseen or hidden from Him.

7. What is a spiritual gift God has given you and how do you find joy using it?

Gentleness. At a prayer meeting for the leadership pastors of Altoona, a pastor came up after the meeting and said he felt like the Lord was saying gentleness over me.  It’s interesting because that is something I have heard people tell me before. The gift of gentleness is only from the Lord and has been such an overflowing and sweet gift used for His glory.

8. What food could you eat for 6-months straight and not get sick of?


9. Do you prefer snow or sand?

Snow -  mmmm drinking hot cocoa and watching the snowflakes fall to the ground.

11. What do you love most about TEAMeffort?

The unity shown in the body of Christ as many churches come together to serve, worship, and glorify His name.

12. What is one thing you are praying for God to do this summer in the lives of students who attend a TEAMeffort camp?

I prayed for students to pursue Jesus wholeheartedly, not just during camp, but beyond that for the rest of their lives.